Mykonos Experience




Easter in the air of Mykonos

With the Greek Easter usually falling in the month of April, 2024 is one of the years when its celebration, based on the ancient Julian calendar, is moved to May, the most beautiful month in the Western hemisphere. April, especially at its beginning, can be very unpredictable in terms of weather. But in May, spring…

Mykonos’ amazing spring

Travelling to Mykonos during springtime is like receiving an upgrade to paradise’s first class! Everything around you seems to be perfectly balanced; not too hot, not too windy, front-line sunbeds available at the most popular beaches, fair chances for an empty table at fancy restaurants, private-like guided tours in the archaeological site of the nearby…

New Year dawning in Mykonos

Visiting Mykonos between early November and late March is becoming a growing trend for tourists who wish to combine lower prices with the tranquility of this amazingly beautiful island and mingle with the openhearted islanders, who appreciate good food, drinking, dancing and having a lot of “kefi” (fun). Don’t be surprised if they ask you…